Our Services

  • Affordable Housing Compliance Auditing (Tax Credit, Tax-Exempt Bonds, HOME, NSP, Public Housing, and Housing Choice Voucher)

  • Conduit Bond Program Development, Management, and Issuance Process

  • Property Acquisition Due Diligence for Compliance Requirements

  • Training for Management and Staff

  • Affordable Housing Program Development and Management

  • Operations Assessment

  • Operation Manual Development

  • Leadership Training

  • Strategic Planning

  • Conflict-Resolution

  • Organizational Behavior Assessments

Conduit Bond Program Development, Management, and Issuance Process

Does your housing authority issue Tax-exempt Bonds? If yes, are you generating revenue? If no, do you want to?
The Randle Hurst Consulting Group has a programmatic structure that will allow you to issue local tax-exempt bonds and generate revenue for each affordable housing project developed in your jurisdiction. As a conduit issuer, you are the gatekeeper to tax-exempt bonds issued in your area. Think of it this way, for each project developed each party involved generates a revenue stream (developer, attorney, trustee, financial partners, etc). So why not as the promissory note holder add yourself to project costs.

Is such activity allowed?
Yes! This program can generate thousands of unrestricted funds for your housing authority. As long as the cap is not exceeded, you are able to charge fees.

Do other public housing authorizes have such programs?
Yes. Housing authorities across the country have different fee structures, if any. However, are they maximizing on the benefits? Most likely not.

What kind of fee generation is possible?
Sample fees are: Application Fee Inducement Fee New Monies Closing Fee Refunding Issues Closing Fee Annual Issuer Fee Annual Program Monitoring Fee Change in Management Fee Change in Ownership Fee Document Change Fee

Services offered by RHCG: Tax-exempt bond program development or update Tax-exempt bond project management Tax-exempt bond compliance

If interested in initiating a Tax-exempt Bond Issuance Program or updating your existing issuance program, please send an email to Deidre.randle@rhconsultinggrp.com or call 678-852-9841 for more information.